Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Gardening: if you know how to grow food, you know how to feed your family

Today, I wanted to share a link about local farming. Basically, back yard gardening. If you know how to grow food, you know how to feed your family when money/work/lack there of won't. Russians are doing this  on large scale and feeding their country in excess. If you think about the amount of land we as Americans have individually (those who owns houses, of course) and how much of it is used on growing lawns that don't provide us anything, it becomes interesting. What if all that land were used to grow vegetables? Really, why are there starving people when we have land we've cleared out and is just sitting there growing vegetation we can't eat that we keep cutting away at for fear it will become unrully?

It's bizarre when you think about it really.

But that topic can go pretty deep. On the surface though it makes sense, and I personally think when I have a lawn of my own or land of my own, I will maximize it to grow all kinds of fruits and vegtables. Hell, I may even get to growing barley and hops to brew my own beer as fresh and natural as possible.

Second is a link talking about mixed cropping, or growing multiple plants in the same area to aid each other in growth and maximize the utilization of land for better yeild. An interesting idea I plan to look further into.

Finally is a interesting little video I found here about making an African style raised bed garden. I think the idea is pretty interesting and could make an interesting focal piece, as well as growing more veggies. Another thing I plan to try out

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